Delayed opening due to Covid19

24 Mar 2020. In line with Government advice and subsequent emergency powers, Nocton Parish Council has directed that the opening of Nocton Hub to the general public will be deferred until further notice. While the Nocton Hub Working Group is clearly disappointed not be be able to put this amazing new facility to use in support of the local community as soon as we hoped, we stand completely behind this decision by local and national government.

It is most likely that our plans for an official opening weekend in May, to coincide with the VE Day 75 commemorations, will not be realised, but we will stand by to put on whatever we can if government guidance is changed. In the meantime the working group will continue to prepare for welcoming clients and visitors as well as supporting the local community response of Covid-19,

The Parish Council's full announcement is here; the key section is:

The Hub (Village Hall)

On 20 March 2020 the Prime Minister made a statement implementing the closure of all cafes, pubs, bars, restaurants, nightclubs, theatres, cinemas, gyms and leisure centres from 21 March.

To comply with this measure, Nocton Parish Council will not be opening the new Nocton Hub (village hall) following its completion, until Government advice changes.

This applies to the associated Social Club (The Ripon Arms).

Updates will be posted when they are known.