Nocton Hub Wifi

WiFi Internet access is provided free of charge to legitimate users of the building (Nocton Hub). Access to the complementary guest WiFi is subject to our WiFi policy. Before you connect to Nocton Hub Guest WiFi, please read these terms and conditions carefully as there are legal implications for breach.

To connect to Nocton Hub Guest WiFi you will not need to provide any personal information however details from the device you are using to connect to our network will be recorded. Nocton Hub Guest WiFi is intended for browsing the internet and using apps and not for live video streaming or bulk media downloads. Certain data-intensive applications may be blocked to ensure a provision of service to all users.

We are not responsible for the content of websites you visit while using Nocton Hub Guest WiFi. We may at our sole discretion restrict access to certain features and websites using web-based web and application filtering. If you have any concerns about this or require any further information you can contact us at

Nocton Hub Guest WiFi is not a secure network and we are not responsible for the security of the information and data which you transmit using Nocton Hub Guest WiFi. We are not responsible for the accuracy of any information or data obtained from the internet using Nocton Hub Guest WiFi.

You must not use Nocton Hub Guest WiFi:

  • for any unlawful or illegal purpose;

  • for any commercial purposes except specifically in connection with a paid-for hiring;

  • in any way which causes the whole or part of Nocton Hub Guest WiFi to be interrupted, damaged, made less efficient, or impair the effectiveness or functionality of Nocton Hub Guest WiFi in any way;

  • for sending or posting any computer viruses or any other harmful code, or any material which is defamatory, offensive or obscene; or

  • in a way which infringes the rights of any person (whether in breach of confidentiality or intellectual property rights or otherwise).

By accessing Nocton Hub WiFi using this code you agree to our WiFi policy.

The full WiFi policy text can be found on our Policies and Legal page.

Once you are content and accept its conditions you may connect using this code:

WiFi SSID: Nocton Hub

Passcode: 2eb837269!Q

Last updated: 10 Oct 2020