5430-32 Laurel St

District: Uptown - Partial Control

Owner: Amelia Holdings LLC

Rating: Contributing

Applicant: Kelly Johnson

Description: Demolition of more than 50% of the roof structure of a Contributing rated, one-story, two-family residential building for a camelback addition.

HDLC Guidelines:

Section 12, Pages 23-24 of the Guidelines for New Construction, Additions and Demolition, state that the demolition of all or portions of historic resources within a local Historic District or Landmark site are considered drastic actions since they alter the character of the area. Once historic resources or buildings that contribute to the heritage of the community are destroyed, it is generally impossible to reproduce their design, texture, materials, details and their special character and interest in the neighborhood. As a result, the HDLC rarely considers the demolition of Significant or Contributing buildings or structures within a local Historic District or on a Landmark site to be an appropriate option.

1910 to 1930 - 1917 from newspaper

HDLC Guidelines:

Section 12, Pages 23-24 of the Guidelines for New Construction, Additions and Demolition, state that the demolition of all or portions of historic resources within a local Historic District or Landmark site are considered drastic actions since they alter the character of the area. Once historic resources or buildings that contribute to the heritage of the community are destroyed, it is generally impossible to reproduce their design, texture, materials, details and their special character and interest in the neighborhood. As a result, the HDLC rarely considers the demolition of Significant or Contributing buildings or structures within a local Historic District or on a Landmark site to be an appropriate option.

Staff Recommendations:

FEMA survey research indicates the building was constructed between 1910 and 1930. It doesn't appear on a Sanborn map until 1951, however, a Times Picayune article confirms it was constructed no later than 1917, within the period of significance for the local historic district. The applicant is proposing to demolish approximately 55.5% of the roof to construct a new camelback addition. Because the proposed camelback is appropriately located at least two historic rooms back from the front building wall, as per the HDLC Guidelines, Staff has no objection to the request for partial roof demolition.

  • Staff Recommendation: No Objection

Current Drawings:

Proposed Roof Demolition Plan

Proposed Right Side Elevation

HDLC Reviewed__5430 Laurel Street Drawings Combined__55.5 roof.pdf

Context Photos:

Sanborn Maps:



Times Picayune Article:

May 23, 1917

Street View:

Written Public Comment:

Written Public Comment 1__Galyean.pdf
Written Public Comment 2__Nuiry.pdf

HDLC Guidelines:

12: 22-24 – Guidelines for New Construction, Additions and Demolition