1015 Franklin Ave

District: Faubourg Marigny - Full Control

Owner: Richard U Campbell

Rating: Contributing

Applicant: Alexander Adamick

Description: Renovation and camelback addition at a Contributing rated, one-story, three-family residential building.

HDLC Guidelines:

Section 12, Pages 14-19 of the Guidelines for New Construction, Additions and Demolition state that except for camelbacks, most residential additions expand the footprint of an existing building by constructing more space at the rear or side of an existing building. If appropriately designed, additions to existing buildings can provide increased space while maintaining the historic character of the original building and streetscape. In conformance with The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation, an addition to a historic building should be subordinate to the historic building and read clearly as an addition. The subordinate appearance of an addition can be achieved through its scale, form, massing, materials and details. Additions to existing properties should not obscure damage or destroy significant architectural material and should be compatible with the design of the property, as well as the neighborhood. Whenever possible, additions should be constructed in a manner that, if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the existing building would be intact. When constructing additions to existing buildings, property owners are encouraged to consider the integrity of the existing building and its historic significance. Similar to the principles for new construction, additions should not duplicate historic building details, but should be visually compatible. The HDLC also requires:

  • The preservation of the cohesive ambiance of historic buildings and neighborhoods with compatible, sympathetic construction

  • Compatible siting, proportion, scale, form, materials, fenestration, roof configuration, details and finishes at all additions

  • Construction of additions at secondary elevations wherever possible, subordinate to the historic building, and compatible with the design of the property and surrounding neighborhood

  • Construction of additions so that historic building fabric is not radically changed, obscured, damaged or destroyed

Previous ARC & Staff Recommendations:

08/16/2022: The ARC voted to recommend conceptual approval with the details to be worked out at the Staff level. The ARC also agreed that:

  • The proposed camelback appears too tall, and the floor-to-ceiling height should be reduced slightly from 10’-0” (or) the camelback roof should be hipped rather than gabled at the front.

  • The front-facing camelback windows should be closer to a traditional window size and should be taller and less horizontally oriented.

  • Staff Recommendation: Approval

Context Photos:

Current Drawings:

ARC 1__2022.08.05_1015 Franklin Ave_DD2_ARCset__Updated presentation.pdf

Street View:

HDLC Guidelines:

12: 14-19 – Guidelines for New Construction, Additions and Demolition