Torino (Italy) 11-12 and 25-26 February 2021

TORINO - 25-26 February, 2021

Dear colleagues,

Due to the COVID19 pandemic, the 11th International Meeting on Steroids and Nervous System and the associate Satellite Symposium have been moved to 2022, but, in order not to totally miss our meeting, together with the Scientific Committee, we have decided to organize a virtual event that includes 5 plenary lectures, a series of short free communications presented by young researchers and also a poster exhibition.

Prior to this event we organized another virtual event, a satellite conference on Allopregnanolone. You may register for only one of the events or for both.

The provisional scientific program and the first tips on the organization of the meeting are available on the following pages

As during previous meetings, we will face cutting-edge approaches in the field of steroids and the nervous system.

Stay tuned and check this page for the news

Roberto C. Melcangi and GianCarlo Panzica