© nemo 2002-2023
IconMover is a RISC OS module that allows you to move iconbar icons by dragging
The current version is 1.07 (12 Apr 2023) [32bit]
IconMover allows you to change the location of icons on the iconbar simply by dragging. Hold down Ctrl-Shift-Alt and drag any icon to its new position on the iconbar, et voilà! Why didn’t it always work like that?
0.01 (26 Sep 2002) Prototype
0.02 (09 Apr 2003) Flags word fixed, rebuilt with newer Aasm
1.01 (28 Aug 2012) Tries to ensure icon numbers don’t change
1.02 (04 Sep 2012) Can now be installed in PreDesk
1.03 (29 May 2018) Uses centre of the target icon as a threshold, handles the centre gap more carefully
1.04 (19 Feb 2019) Centre of icons theshold actually works now, and avoids thrashing at right hand end of scrolled iconbars
1.05 (28 Oct 2019) Reattaches filter when FilterManager restarts
1.06 (11 Feb 2020) Refuse to multiply instantiate, as should we all
1.07 (12 Apr 2023) PreDesk startup added in 2012 now actually works (thanks Fred)