Things for RISC OS
© nemo 1987-2025
Here is a small selection of things I’ve written for RISC OS
Latest update: 11 Feb 2025 – GUID 0.11, RightMenu 0.01
Previous: Advent 2024 – !ToolMenus 0.07, VDUMode 0.07, ✱DAs 0.11, UnReadC 0.03, ✱Vectors 1.09, !Modules 1.06, !NZCV 0.01, !ScaleFac 1.01, !SprTypes 0.03, StatusHelp 1.02 (and SaveToPath 0.02), !MiniCal 1.03, FilerCloser 0.93, BreakAche 0.01, LongSpriteNames 0.04, !LangTest 0.04 (and UTF8Alphabet 1.32), SharedPals 0.01 (and MetaSprite 0.31), GUID 0.10, AutoPrefix 0.05, WhatTheFile 0.01, !Bowdler 0.03, HandleName 0.02, OSWrites 0.01. PreciseMouse 0.04, SaveToPath 0.02
Anteprevious: 06 Nov 2023 – Data Transfer & Clipboard Protocols, ArthurASCII 0.01
Recently: !RMA 0.15, UnionFlag 2.00, PublicFilter 1.20 IconMover 1.07, MetaSprite, Settle, LEDs, ColourFiler, VDUTint32 & HeebyGeeby, SaferOSFile, MenuState, UTF8Alphabet, VduColour, MenuBadges, Kbdcat you nutters, AlphaRéparer
Downloads are RISC OS extended ZIP files which should be opened in RISC OS using SparkFS or similar. Extracting the contents in Windows will lose the filetypes.
MetaSprite is a powerful extension to Sprite capabilities, forming the information and storage basis of many other Sprite technologies such as Chroma Keying and Colour Management, as well as fixing bugs in ColourTrans.
Command Line contains things that affect the command line, like AutoCLIspc which makes it slightly easier to type some star commands if you’re forgetful like me.
ColourFiler colours Filer windows depending on their pathname. Never get confused between local and shared drives, HostFS mounts or backups again.
DeepKeys replaces the standard byte-wide keyboard buffer with a word-wide buffer. It also stores keyboard modifiers and physical key numbers with every keypress. Finally, it delivers this meta-information to Wimp tasks through an extension to the standard Wimp Poll KeyPress message.
MenuBadges and MenuState are significant upgrades to Wimp menus.
Desktop contains things concerned with the workings of the Wimp. This includes a DataOpen template mode launcher; saving the Desktop state; and the BlockTransfer module that makes Wimp_TransferBlock slightly less insane.
Filer contains things related to the Filer. Currently this is limited to PublicFilter.
FixUpDown prevents keys being missed or ‘sticking’ with some PS2 and USB keyboards. It ensure that key transitions last long enough for debouncing to not ignore them.
HaikuError replaces common error messages with poetic alternatives. You can create your own... they don’t have to be poetic.
IconMover allows you to rearrange the icons on your iconbar. Just hold down Ctrl-Shift-Alt and drag any iconbar icon to its new location.
!RMA is a diagnostic tool for the Relocatable Module Area.
!InAWindow provides two new filetypes – TaskApp and TskBASIC – that will run in a TaskWindow when double-clicked, but run normally at the command line. TaskObey and TaskExec are similarly upgraded, and a new *Command provides the same functionality for any file or *Command.
Patches contains various fixes for particularly broken bits of RISC OS.
The VDU page contains things that change OS_WriteC, WrchV etc – the VDU.
WriteReg may be useful when writing machine code, like modules. I found it useful when writing WriteReg.
Links may be useful if you are desperate to use some free stuff but have nothing on which to run this munificent magnificence.
The UTF-8 page contains various parts of the complete UTF-8 solution for RISC OS. Only some parts have been released for testing and evaluation purposes, in Alpha and Beta form, and everything is subject to change. Only download things from this page to help in their development.
If you have an OS that displays copyright and licence information from the Switcher (RO4/6), then ModCredits ensures it also displays the copyright messages of all loaded modules.