As well as the two UU Concessionary rides, we are trying to compile as many rides as we can, both in our area and outside it.
All rides listed have been ridden unchallenged for over 20 years and as such are paths which are already bridleways or have higher rights.
If you have a favourite ride please send it in to nbhbridleways@gmail.com, preferably with a map (you can get these from a lot of the riding apps or apple/garmin etc activities), giving instructions of where you need to go. The more members or non members that contribute, the larger this library will become.
Current Rides available are
Plumpton Cottages No of Gates = 0, No of Main Roads = 2, Suitability = Novice if OK on roads. Time taken ~ 1-1.5hrs
Red Lumb No of Gates = 10, No of Main Roads = 3 , Suitability = Intermediate due to rough terrain and if OK on roads. Time taken ~ 1hrs
Rooley Moor No of Gates = 3 at the moment but could be 5 , No of Main Roads = 2 (1 just cross it) , Suitability = Intermediate due to rough terrain and if OK on roads. Time taken ~ 1.5-2hrs
Soon to come Buckley Hall
Soon to come Meadowcroft
Soon to come Dunham and Valley View Tea Pod (a lovely place for a stop to get some scrumptious cakes and drinks with places available for you to tether your horse)