History of NBHBA



Norden, Bamford & Heywood Bridleways Association was formed in 2022 to plug a gap that had developed in our Area. There was a need for a Bridleways Association that represents the views of its Members, treats them with respect and serves the wider Equestrian Community.

We aim to do this by working closely with the Rochdale Rights of Way Officer and other Voluntary Organisations within the Area so that improvements can be made to the Bridleway Network in the Area.

We encourage membership of the Association so that funds can be created which can then be used to make improvements to and extend the available Bridleway Network in the Area. This will benefit all Equestrians, Cyclists and Pedestrians.

We welcome though any contact from non-members and will endeavour to provide help and advice as required.




Who we are

You can contact us at any time using the Association email address nbhbridleways@gmail.com

Our Current Committee can be found here

If you would like to join our committee please send us an email or contact of the committee to express interest.