Past Events held

Past NBHBA events

11th November 2024 - Photo Show

Entries for this years photo show were strong and votes were taken by those attending the meeting to determine the top 3 in each class. The winners were presented with a rosette. All the entries and the placings can by found by clicking here.

7th October 2024 - An Evening with Simon Constable

A well attended meeting was held at Rochdale Golf Club at which Simon Introduced to us all some of the weird and wonderful cases he has experienced. He hopes that he did not create undue concern as each of the cases covered were very rare occurrences like for instance Snoopy a 19 year old Irish Sports Horse who suddenly developed a sweaty face with a droopy eye and after an endoscope he had a fungus growth in his guttural pouch which had ate into his nerves affecting his face and epiglottis (Guttural Pouch Mycosis). The photo on the left is what the Gutteral Pouch should look like. The photo on the right is what poor Snoopy's pouch looked like.

7th October 2024 - An Evening with Simon Constable

A well attended meeting was held at Rochdale Golf Club at which Simon Introduced to us all some of the weird and wonderful cases he has experienced. He hopes that he did not create undue concern as each of the cases covered were very rare occurrences like for instance Snoopy a 19 year old Irish Sports Horse who suddenly developed a sweaty face with a droopy eye and after an endoscope he had a fungus growth in his guttural pouch which had ate into his nerves affecting his face and epiglottis (Guttural Pouch Mycosis). 

9th September 2024 - Autumn Chat Meeting

A number of members met at Norden Old Library to chat on what had been going on over the sommer months. A number of bridleway issues were raised which Pat took to the Rights of Way Meeting with the Council. A good time was had by all .

28th July 2024 - Bridleway Ride

A number of our members had a lovely ride in glorious sunshine around the Bamford and Norden Bridlepaths. Some photos of the event can be found here. The ride ended at The Brew Box at Waterloo Farm Norden to enjoy a drink and cookies, helping to support Local Businesses.

26th June 2024 - Working Party Clearing Bridlepaths

Wow what a difference a few hours from a small number of members can make. Two members cleared the Bridlepath from Caldershaw Road to Alderman Foley Drive of all the overgrowing vegetation and low hanging branches. Another member cleared the path just beyond Leaholme Farm on the Bridlepath leading to Nutters of all the Himalayan Balsam that had sprouted from nowhere. Whilst a further two members cleared the path behind Easy Street Gym to Ashbourne Street of the brambles and vegetation that was narrowing the path.

10th June 2024 - Quiz Night

5 Teams battled away over a 4 round competition to determine the winning team at our friendly quiz night. Everyone had a great time and there was quite a few easy questions along with some more trickier ones. We finished the night with a chat over coffee and tea.

8th April 2024 - Fire Rescue +Whats3Words

What a wonderful night was had with over 10 Firemen attending to explain the fantastic work that they undertake as Fire and Rescue and the involvement they have in a number of animals in distress. We really appreciate them taking their time to come. They also explained how important it is for you to put the Whats3Words App on your phone. This splits the world in 1mx1m squares and gives each square a unique 3 word, If you ever need to call on Emergency Services (or anyone to be honest) using the app and providing the three words enables the Emergency Services to pin point you to within 1m thus improving dramatically how quick they arrive at your location. Imagine trying to explain where on the Moorlands above Rochdale you are to them without this fantastic App.

You can obtain What3 Words from the App Store or the Google Store 

11th March 2024 - AGM

Unfortunately due to lambing commitments the Equine Nutritionist could not come to our meeting. However this did not stop us from holding our AGM which was well attended (Minutes can be found here) and we also had a good chat around issues in the area.

12th February 2024 - Post Xmas Catchup

As this was the first meeting since the festive season we decided to have a cake and catchup session. It was well attended and everyone enjoyed catching up on what had been happening with each other.


14th November 2023 - An Evening with Ben Bray

What a fantastic and fascinating evening was had by all who attended the talk by Ben Bray. Ben explained how he got involved with his work and showed some fascinating videos of his work with horses and how with minimal contact horses relax in his presence. This remarkable gift helps in enabling his Sports & Rehabilitation Massage Therapy to have maximum effect. 

Ben has just recently moved full time into the North West from Cambridgeshire and will be reopening his books in the New Year. A number of our members already use his services and has seen very positive results with their horses after the treatment Ben performs. 

Ben always performs a gait analysis from the side and the rear in walk and trot before commencing any therapy. He recommended that the thing you can do to spot issues in the earliest opportunity is to view your horse each week from the rear and look at the evenness of the gait and movement of the Pelvis as this quite often shows early indications of issues before they materialise more profound symptoms.

We would like to thank Norden Services Limited, an Accountancy Firm on Edenfield Road Norden, for their generosity in supplying some superb raffle prizes as can be seen in the photos below. We would also like to thank Ben for offering a discount to all the attendees at the meeting for a future treatment session.  

For Photos click Here

9th October 2023 Photo Show

Our second photo show. Everyone who attended got their votes as to which of the photos deserved to win each class. It was a very close ran thing with all but one class tying for first place needing the casting vote from Gill to decide the final winners. They can be found here. At the end of the evening everyone decided to run the event again in October so get your cameras snapping. You can view all entries here .

11th September 2023 - General Meeting

Members met up for a chat, drink and cake to find out everything both NBHBA and our members had been up to during the summer months. A good time was had by all. You can find out what NBHBA has been up to by looking at our Achievements to Date page

10th September 2023 - Trec / Working Equitation Competition

What a greta day for our first competition. The weather was kind and we had a high level of competition from all who entered. Some Photos of the day can be seen here. 

13th August 2023 - Ride

A few of our members enjoyed a pleasant ride around the Norden and Bamford Countryside.

12th June 2023 Introduction to Concessionary Rides

This might have sounded like a dry topic but those members that attended had a super and funny time chatting about the bridlepaths and what work has been done (see achievements to date for some of the information). In addition members were informed about the rules concerning the concessionary rides around Greenbooth and Ashworth Reservoirs which are based on the conditions imposed by UU in the agreement between UU and NBHBA. The Constitution of NBHBA has been revised and agreed by members at this meeting (section 10 introduced) to put in these conditions. Members sign onto agreeing to the Constitution every year when filling out our membership form. If you missed this meeting please contact one of the committee to discuss anything you are unclear about concerning these routes. Finally members agreed to our new privacy policy. This policy has been drawn up following GDPR Training attended in June which informed us of the need for the policy.

15th May 2023 Photo Show

A great evening was had by all who attended our first photo show. Everyone who attended got their votes as to which of the photos deserved to win each class. It was a very close ran thing but the final winners can be found here. At the end of the evening everyone decided to run the event again in October so get your cameras snapping. You can view all entries here .

17th April 2023 AGM

Members enjoyed a pleasant get together in Norden Old Library to recap all the work we have managed to do over our first year. They enjoyed some lovely cakes, including mini Colin the Caterpillar, a relaxing drink and a good chat with like minded friends. If you were unable to attend then browse through our Latest News pages to find out what we have been up to.


27th December 2022 Christmas Ride

A number of  members enjoyed a pleasant ride around the bridleways of Norden Finishing with Mince Pies and hot juice. Watch this space for rides organised in 2023

14th October 2022 A number of members attended Norden Old Library to take part in our Quiz night. A lot of fun and laughter was had by all with the winners receiving a box of chocolates. After the quiz we all enjoyed a hot drink and some yummy chocolate cake. There will be no more meetings now until after Christmas but watch the Future Events page to find out when the next one has been arranged. 

10th October 2022 We had a really interesting and informative meeting. Peter Fenton Equine Vets came and gave us a great talk on Ulcers, How they are formed, what you can do to prevent them and how they can be treated. He then went on to some issues associated with teeth and abscesses occurring in the head region,

They donated a £100 Voucher off a Scoping for your horse and a dressage numnah for our super raffle. Other excellent prizes were
A fabulous hamper donated by Hot Hoof Animal Supplies in Bury

A pair of trainer socks donated by Andrew Laverty Golf Professional at Rochdale Golf Club.

Kids Joules hat, gloves, chocolates donated by individuals.

For Photos click here

9th October 2022 Our second ride was once again blessed with good weather. We went around the paths in Birtle and ended up coming down Bury and Rochdale Road from the Bird In'th Hand to Ashworth Road. It was really lovely to see so many courteous drivers along this busy stretch of road. The vast majority waited patiently until there was room to overtake and passed us at a respectable speed and with significant room between the horses and cars. We would like to thank the motorists for displaying such common decency and hope that the BHS and Riders campaigns to inform other road users of the behaviours of horses. 

For Photos click here

12th September 2022 -  A number of our members joined us for a fascinating film on Monty Roberts and a more light hearted look at spills and thrills in the Eventing and Show Jumping fields. It was rounded off by a good natter and indulgence of some lovely cakes.

7th August 2022- We had a super turnout for our first ride around the bridlepaths in Norden and Bamford. The sun shone and everyone had a super time. There were lots of photos taken which can be viewed here

11th July 2022 -  We had a super Introduction to Endurance Riding by Kath Wilson and Helen Short who gave us a fascinating insight into Endurance Riding. It covered what it entails, how can you get involved, where can you go and lots more interesting information. The slides can be found here in case you missed it.

13th June 2022 - We had a really interesting evening, with Andy Meek and Nigel Morrell joining us from RMNF. Not only did they update us on the history behind and future plans of the Off-Road Mitigation Measures Project which they have been facilitating for GMP, Lancashire Police, MPs and Local Councils and Councillors to mitigate the threat of illegal off-road motorbikes and 4x4's on the Moors above Rochdale. They also explained the other projects that they are involved in which also will benefit local horse riders such as the Mid Pennine Arts, Cotton Famine Road and Limersgate Trail which is a pack horse trail from Packer Spout to Clitheroe. Following the main meeting, over tea, coffee and scones, we enjoyed a really good discussion session where we shared some of our rides and discussed a number of bridleways issues and ideas on what we as a collaborative and inclusive Bridleway Association can and should be getting involved in. Several Members volunteered to devote some time in moving these things forward which was really good as the committee is only 3 strong currently and so if we are to make the headway we would like we need help from the members. 

9th May 2022 - Inaugural Meeting. We were really pleased that so many of you joined us at Norden Old Library for our inaugural meeting with so many apologies too. A good discussion was had regarding what members wanted from our new group and everyone enjoyed the Cheese, Biscuits, Brownies and Wine that were kindly donated for the meeting. Keep Monday 13th June free for our first full meeting where RMNF will be attending to explain what they have been doing with GMP, Lancashire Police, MPs and Local Councils and Councillors to mitigate the threat of illegal off-road riders. They will also be there to try and answer any questions you might have and listen to your concerns.