Norden, Bamford & Heywood Bridleways Association
To join click here. Only £10 per year. Members get 30% of their first year of membership to the BHS (NB this can only be done by contacting the BHS office)
Road Safety Advice for all Road Users - Pedestrian, Cyclists, Drivers and Horse Riders
Multi User Path Users Advice for Pedestrians, Cyclists and Horse Riders
Photo Show Results added to Our Past Events Page
Last News last updated 7/8/2024
Events coming up last updated 16/7/2024
Last Classified Advert added 15/11/2023
Achievements last updated 7/8/2024
Don't forget to look at our Welfare Advice page Last added to 19/10/2022
Click on the above button for more info or use the QR codes on the right. The BHS have developed an App to report incidents which can be downloaded from the apple and android stores. It is called Horse i and makes reporting incidents even easier.
Bridleway Issues
Contact Environmental Management, RMBC
Call 0300 303 8884
email :
The more that report an issue, the more likely it is to be fixed.
Pass Wide and Slow
Please take time to read this and remember if it was your daughter or son on the next horse you pass how would you want to others to pass them. Unfortunately Accidents in our area do occur. Please PASS HORSES WIDE AND SLOW
The following Map shows the main area NBHBA concentrates their efforts on but, when requested or required, we will help in adjacent areas
The aim of NBHBA is to promote and maintain the provision of safe off-road rights of way for Horse Riders, Pedestrians and Cyclists in the Norden, Bamford and Heywood areas of Rochdale, and, when appropriate surrounding areas.
This will be done by promoting the existing bridleways network and endeavour to ensure that they remain open and are rideable. In addition, by seeking the creation of further bridleways, to formally record existing rights of way on the Rochdale Definitive Map, ensuring the protection of these routes for future generations.
By doing this we aim to minimise the need for Horse Riders to use the main roads for riding and thus to reduce the risk of and occurrence of accidents involving vehicles and horses.
The Association is for the benefit of Members and Non-Members alike. We are an open and inclusive organisation and would encourage everyone to become members so that we can have the funds to make improvements to the Bridleway network in the Area.