Accident on Woodhouse Lane

On the 20th December 2022 a car collided with a horse. The accident could have been very much worse as luckily the rider and the horse escaped with only suffering some nasty cuts.  The car also sustained significant damage, As there were 4 horses riding along Woodhouse Lane when the accident happened, the consequences could have been so much worse. 

The latest revision of the Highway Code, which has been in force now for nearly a year, is to pass horses (and cyclists) wide (>2m) and slow (10mph) in an attempt to prevent such horrendous incidents. 

Is a delay of a few minutes on your journey such an issue that you feel it worth having such consequences? (Or even worse, as a lot of car/horse collisions result in the death of the horse and sometimes even the death of the rider who is someone's daughter or son).

Please do PASS HORSES WIDE AND SLOW, we can all share the busy roads if a bit of care and consideration, by all, is applied.