Welcome to Nano's Zoo 2 Zone! This site hosts fan-made content for Blue Fang's Zoo Tycoon 2 that is designed to resemble the style of the vanilla game. The main project hosted on this site is Zoo Tycoon 2: Folksy Facelift, a sort of update-overhaul thing which is described in further detail further below and on its dedicated page.

Another draw here is the Archival page, which provides readily-accessible links to Wayback Machine snapshots of online Zoo Tycoon history, both on the official Microsoft side of things and in the realm of fan sites and the like.


Older news can be found on the Archival page.

Current projects

Zoo Tycoon 2: Folksy Facelift

A mild overhaul/update for the base game that sets out to improve the game's realism without breaking the game's original aesthetic and add a smattering of new content, with some fun surprises for the dedicated and some spectacularly catastrophic consequences for those who fail to keep their zoos healthy (who said that realism would make things easy?).

For more information, look here: Folksy Facelift