Though Zoo Tycoon 2: Folksy Facelift doesn't introduce any brand-spanking new animals to the game (or does it? read on...), it does have a number of redesigns for existing fauna, be it a simple recolor to be a little more zoologically faithful or a dramatic rejig demanded by a woefully inaccurate Extinct Animals specimen. A select few animals have even been given new names or assigned to different species to fit their scientific names in the Zoopedia!

Below is a selection of some of the more notable animals that have been given some marked upgrades. As Folksy Facelift is still heavily under development, none of the designs on this page are inherently final and may be altered or replaced for the final release.

Zoo Tycoon 2

American Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber)

This coastal, rosy-feathered friend replaces the base game's greater flamingo, per the Zoopedia's classification of them as "Phoenicopterus ruber ruber" (greater and American flamingoes were regarded as subspecies of Phoenicopterus ruber back in 2004, not their own species, and the listed subspecies was for the American flamingo). Even though they've been moved to the coastal biome, don't worry about your existing flamingo enclosures too much; they still like wetlands just fine!

Nile Crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus)

Though the aim of Folksy Facelift is to revamp the game while respecting its base cartoony art style, there are some animals that (in my opinion at least) go a little overboard with overly unrealistic colors and/or proportions; the Nile crocodile is a good example of an animal that has been both redesigned - well, just recolored - and dramatically resized for accuracy's sake.

Zoo Tycoon 2: Extinct Animals

Carnotaurus (Carnotaurus sastrei)

No scaly dinosaur in all of Folksy Facelift has been given more major a makeover than the fearsome carnotaurus. Using its Dino Danger Pack design as its basis, it has not only received a drastic redesign, but it has also been given some marked behavioral changes - they're a lot less subtle when hunting and will gladly turn on each other if they're hungry.

Deinonychus (Deinonychus antirrhopus)

The primary basis for the 'raptors' in Jurassic Park, the deinonychus has been given a fierce and feathery facelift - what could be more fitting for one of the most important dinosaurs discovered in the past 60 years?

Dodo (Raphus cucullatus)

Contrasting the Ice Age-wannabe dodos in the base game, artistic depictions of dodos from around the time they were alive, though very varied, seem to paint a very different picture from most cultural depictions of the birds. As such, the dodo has received one of the most dramatically distinct redesigns in all of Folksy Facelift!

Stokesosaurus (Stokesosaurus clevelandi)

Arguably the most puzzling dinosaurian addition to Extinct Animals, the stokesosaurus has been given touchups that make it a lot smaller and a whole lot scruffier.

Triceratops (Triceratops horridus)

The triceratops has gone through some pretty serious re-proportioning to make it look more graceful and less... well, weird. If that weren't enough, they're more open to different kinds of food - they're especially fond of, of all things, honey!

Utahraptor (Utahraptor ostrommaysi)

They may not have mohawks anymore, but don't call them bald - these dromaeosaurs have been given an update that makes them equal parts plumaceous and prodigious.

Velociraptor (Velociraptor mongoliensis)

Just a month before the velociraptor was first let loose on the zoo scene, a paper came out providing evidence that real 'raptors had bird-like feathers on their arms - to account for this and some other, slightly less forgivable weird anatomical quirks, they've been given the renovation treatment.


Wait a minute, there weren't any animals exclusive to Ultimate Collection...

Southern Elephant Seal (Mirounga leonina)

On the old Zoo Tycoon 2 website, the elephant seal is mentioned in a blurb describing Ultimate Collection - no, really. Whether this was just a mistake or a glimpse at what could have been, this gargantuan pinniped is tired of just being a footnote and is ready to haul out into your zoo.

Development for Folksy Facelift's launch version may be over, but keep an eye on this page as updates come out. You never know what might change - or perhaps even what may be added in the future!