
This page is dedicated to the archival of old, official content for Zoo Tycoon and Zoo Tycoon 2. All material hosted here is the property of Blue Fang and Microsoft Games. All links to archived websites are hosted through the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine and may not be completely intact. As many - indeed, most - of the links contain elements of the discontinued plugin Flash, many elements of the archived pages may not function or appear (savvier users may want to use a virtual machine to explore the links). Please exercise some caution when navigating the archived sites; I haven't run into anything shady by clicking around too much (most links that don't open correctly thankfully lead to, but do know that the Wayback Machine is not without flaws when it comes to links being archived/opening correctly!

All graphics used below are either from one of the linked websites or one of the Zoo Tycoon 2 fansite kits. The graphics are used for illustration purposes, I claim no ownership of any such images used on this page.

Official Website (Zoo Tycoon)

Other relevant websites

Official Website (Zoo Tycoon 2, before

Official Website (

Other fan sites

The content below is not associated with Blue Fang or Microsoft, but I think it would be tragic if it were all lost to the sands of time. None of the below sites or their creators are affiliated with Nano's Zoo 2 Zone.

Starting July 1st, 2022, sites made with the classic version of Google Sites have begun to slip into the ether. A slew of important Zoo Tycoon 2 downloads are hosted on such sites and are due to be lost to time; below are a selection of a few doomed ZT2 sites and sites that went under long ago, archived through the Wayback Machine. I can't guarantee that every download is available through these links - indeed, some are already lost, and some are certainly not archived below - but the sites still deserve to be known for future generations.

Google Sites

If I missed anything that you'd like to see me hunt down for this list; be sure to throw me suggestions; conversely, if any of the owners of these sites would rather their pages not be listed here, let me know and I'll happily take the link(s) down.

Other sites

Be especially cautious when navigating the links below; some of these sites, especially the forums, had unusually checkered histories!

News Archive