The latest release of Folksy Facelift has been affected by major PC issues, please read this notice for further information. The installer method of downloading the mod has been deprecated; if you would like to update Folksy Facelift and have installed it through that method, please uninstall and then re-install using the manual method.

This page offers the download options for Folksy Facelift. For convenience purposes, it is offered in one piece - everything in one package, as opposed to being cut up like some other downloads.

Downloads are offered in two different formats for convenience's sake:

Note: If the Object Detail setting is set on 'low', the game will crash if the player tries to adopt any of the animals that have been modified by this pack, and most objects will be invisible. Object Detail must be set to at least 'medium' for Zoo Tycoon 2: Folksy Facelift to work!

This pack was designed with the retail version of Zoo Tycoon 2: Ultimate Collection in mind. All of the official expansion packs and bonus downloads are required for Zoo Tycoon 2: Folksy Facelift to function properly. This project is far-reaching in terms of what game files it modifies and may not be compatible with several other user downloads. Scroll down for a changelog and list of known issues that are unrelated to incompatability with other mods.

Current version: 1.04 (Jan. 18 2023)

Disclaimer: Zoo Tycoon 2: Folksy Facelift was not developed with Windows Vista

If you have an old version of Zoo Tycoon 2: Folksy Facelift installed through Format 1 and would like to install a new version, running a newer version of the installer should simply replace the pre-existing Folksy Facelift files with more recent ones.

Nothing's perfect, and the same can be said for things that are truly complete. Zoo Tycoon 2: Folksy Facelift is no exception. Below, you can view a changelog for each new update that comes out, both to fix issues and to add new content. To the right of the changelog, you may view a list of known issues that are present in the current release that I would like to squash in the future. Starting with the newest version:

Version 1.04 (Jan. 18, 2023, most recent)

Version 1.03 (Dec. 26, 2022)

Version 1.02 (Dec. 21, 2022)

Version 1.01 (Dec. 19, 2022)

Version 1.0 (Dec. 18, 2022)

Known Issues

Check out the Troubleshooting page for some issues that users have faced that aren't quite bugs, alongside remedies for them.