These screenshots were taken during development and may not reflect the final release in a handful of regards.

If an animal is bored, it'll make sure that you know.

Enjoy a selection of fun new tiger variants - no inbreeding required!

Guests have nothing to fear from certain animals anymore, and new paths and gates allow them to get up close and personal with them.

Treat your zoo's higher-maintenance assets with respect... or else!

Even a quaint boreal forest deserves to have a splash of color.

It's about time someone picked up on African Adventure's slack: an array of brand new African plants are included with the initial release!

Ranging from small and mundane... huge and extravagant!

Many of the animals in the vanilla game have been given slight adjustments to be a little closer to their real-life counterparts...

... and almost every dinosaur included in Dino Danger and Extinct Animals has received a dramatic makeover.

Many animals have also been moved to different biomes.

It isn't just land animals that have been given some TLC. Now, marine animals have their own unique climate-altering enrichment objects!

Animals being more tolerant of other biomes opens up a whole batch of crazy combo possibilities (some more irresponsible than others)!

Guests are respectful enough not to hurt your animals, but a reminder never hurts, right?