

at 07:00 PM

Online Film Screening on every Friday during the entire session of NAIMISHA 2022.

on our You Tube Channel | NGMA DELHI ON AIR

9th June 2022 | Thursday | 07:00 PM

Title : Discovering Dark and Light

Production : National Education & Information Films Limited

Language : English

Time duration : 17 minutes

Synopsis : In this video we will learn about light and dark and how to show light and dark in painting by using colors and how a tint is formed by mixing white in any color and how to get shade of any color by mixing black color

16th June 2022 | Thursday | 07:00 PM

Title : Printmaking - Four Artist, four Media

Production : National Education & Information Films Limited

Language : English

Time duration : 17 minutes

Synopsis : Printmaking is the process of creating artworks by printing, normally on paper, but also on fabric, wood, metal, and other surfaces. Each print produced is considered an "original" work of art, and is correctly referred to as an "impression", not a "copy".

23rd June 2022 | Thursday | 07:00 PM

Title : Human figure in art

Production : National Education & Information Films Limited

Language : English

Time duration : 15 minutes

Synopsis : The human figure in art carries, in different ways and through different periods, a huge significance, being the most direct means by which art can address the human condition. In early societies its significance was supernatural, a rendering of gods or spirits in human form.