Online Assessments & Exams

Y7-9 End of Year Music Exam Invigilator Instructions

The Y7/8/9 End of Year Exam, both Sections A and B, will take place during one lesson (no more than 50 minutes): the first lesson following school exam week.

Y7-9 End of Year Music Exam Section A

Section A: Pupils open the online form and enter their details. The invigilator plays the audio track from beginning to end without pausing. Pupils may begin answering questions when the voice on the audio recording instructs them to do so. Whilst pupils complete Section A, the invigilator will distribute answer sheets for Section B. Pupils must submit the online form immediately when the voice on the audio recording instructs them to do so. After this the invigilator will close the form, making it inaccessible to pupils.

Y7-9 End of Year Music Exam Section B

Section B: Pupils write their details on the paper answer sheet. The invigilator plays the audio track from beginning to end without pausing. Pupils may begin answering questions as soon as the music is played. When the audio recording ends, the invigilator replays the recording and continues to do so for the remaining time of the lesson. The duration of section B is equal to the duration of the lesson time remaining: the exam will begin and conclude within one lesson, it will not extend into a second lesson.