Year 8 Notating Rhythms & Pitches Revision

Notating Rhythms Exercises

Listen to each rhythm played by your teacher / heard on the mp3 audio file below, and notate the missing notes in your exercise book / on a separate piece of paper. You do not need to copy out each rhythm in full.
6Notating Rhythms 1 (Student Copy).pdf

Notating Rhythms Audio File

Listen to this mp3 audio file, pausing and repeating each rhythm as required, to complete the exercise above. For improved function, pop out the window and download the file.
6Notating Rhythms 1 (Audio).mp3

Notating Pitches / Melodies Exercises

Listen to each melody played by your teacher / heard on the mp3 audio file below, and notate the missing notes in your exercise book / on a separate piece of paper. You do not need to copy out each melody in full.
7Notating Melodies 1 (Student Copy).pdf

Notating Melodies Audio File

Listen to this mp3 audio file, pausing and repeating each melody as required, to complete the exercise above. For improved function, pop out the window and download the file.
7Notating Melodies 1 (Audio).mp3