April 27-May 1

Please contact Miss Duerksen: carolynduerksen@hotmail.com

Songs for Your Listening Pleasure

What a Wonderful World

okaidi: Playing for Change


okaidi: Playing for Change

Love is All

okaidi: Playing for Change

Music Skills

Musicplay Website

Login: snow

Password: 2020

On the left side bar, click on Recorder.

On the Recorder page, click on the top tab, Kit1.

Under Song, work on #1-#8 songs, which focus on BAG notes.

Under Activity, watch #1- #3 videos.

To practice reading absolute note names on the music staff, go to the right side bar, where there are Games and enjoy Note Name Memory.


To review Orchestra Families and Instruments, stay in the Games section and enjoy:

Instruments of the Orchestra - What Instrument Do You Hear - Instrument Bingo

Music Activities

Peter and the Wolf

A Russian Folk Tale

Music composed by Sergei Prokofiev

This is the performance from Walt Disney that you love so much!!