Research Skills

Welcome to the research skills website. The presented skills should bring you to the level where you can start your scientific research.

Section I

  1. Introduction and Motivation (YouTube, pdf)

    • Questionnaire (docx)

    • What is research ? Types of research

  2. Selecting a Research Topic (YouTube, pdf)

  3. Scholarly Outcomes (YouTube, pdf)

    • Scholarly Outcomes, Assignment (doc)

    • Databases

    • Research Social Networks

  4. Research Ethics (YouTube) (pdf)

Section II

  1. How to read a research paper (YouTube, pdf)

    • How to read a paper? by s. Kashev (link) (Quiz/Solution)

    • Key paper reading assignment (docx)

  2. Proposal Structure (YouTube, pdf)

    • One page summarizing proposal structure (pdf)

    • Example of guidelines and templates (KFUPM link)

  3. Literature Review (YouTube, pdf)

Section III

  1. Research and Time management

    • Using OneNote ( YouTube: 7 Tips to Get More out of OneNote)

    • Time Management: Pomodoro ( YouTube)

    • Mendeley (YouTube)

    • Know your field societies ..e.g.

      • IEEE (YouTube)

      • ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers

      • Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE)

Section IV

  1. Writing Technical Papers

    • How to Write for Technical Periodicals & Conferences?(pdf)

    • How to Write a Paper in a Weekend (By Prof. Pete Carr) (YouTube)

    • How To Get A Paper Accepted In TRANSACTIONS? (pdf)

    • IEEE template files. (links) (A4 Conference Word)

  2. Guidelines for Effective Research Posters (pdf)

  3. Presentations (YouTube, pdf)

    • Presentation Evaluation (doc)

Major Assignments

1) Proposal and Literature Review (pdf)

2) Final Paper (pdf)

    • Paper

    • Presentation

    • Poster


  1. Questionnaire (docx)

  2. Scholarly outcomes (docx)

  3. Key paper reading assignment (docx)

  4. Focusing and Literature Review Practice (docx)

  5. Research Center Visit Report/Presentation


1) Research Skills MCQ

Related Links

  • KAUST Visiting Students Research Program (link)

  • MIT Undergraduate Research Conference (link)

  • Globalink Research Internship (link)

  • KFUPM : EE Undergraduate Research Facebook page (link)


Please send your suggestion and comments to Dr. Ali Muqaibel