EE610 MS Thesis

EE610 M.S. Thesis

Dear M.S. Student,

The following website is meant to provide you with some guidelines to improve the quality of your thesis and research work. This page is in its infant stage and it will soon -insha Allah- be very helpful.

I hope you the best please feel free to send me any comment or suggestion you may have.

Possible MS Thesis Topics:

1) Time Delay Estimation , Cognitive Radio: Based on the work of Gezici

Gezici S, Celebi H, Poor HV, Arslan H. Fundamental limits on time delay estimation in dispersed spectrum cognitive radio systems. IEEE Trans on Wireless Commun. 2009 Jan;8(1):78–83.

Kocak F, Celebi H, Gezici S, Qaraqe KA, Arslan H, Poor HV. Time delay estimation in dispersed spectrum cognitive radio systems. Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. 2010;2010:1–10.

2) Localization in cognitive radio

3) Cognitive radar: S. Haykin " Cognitive radar: a way for the future"

4) Exploiting multiple antennas for localization.

M.S. Thesis Proposal

What are the main components ?

1) Cover page: University, Department, Title of the research proposal, MS Thesis Proposal, Advisor, Student, Date.

2) Table of contents.

3) Introduction.

4) Few sections explaining the basic technical elements of your proposal.

5) Literature Review:

  • Rich and up-to-date
  • Avoid including junk references.
  • Most of the good conference papers are associated with related Journal papers. Unless the work is very new, try to reference the journal papers.
  • Identify the key words in your research. The key references should be very clear in your mind.
  • The literature survey should not be pieces of disconnected ideas. It should have a clear structure. Some students write their survey as paragraph per reference. This is not right!

6) Proposed Work: clear and doable

6.1) Motivation.

6.2) Problem Formulation: ....for example channel model , assumptions,...etc

6.3) Preliminary results

6.4) Possible applications, utilization,...etc

7) References:

  • Use IEEE details. I strongly advise you to use one of the supporting software (May be EndNotes (R) ).
  • Include all required details.
  • Do not use numbers. Refer to your reference using the first three letter of the first author family name and then two digits to represent the year. If the same author has more than one references paper in the same year use letters to indicate the first,.... For example [Muq03a] and [Muq03b] indicate two different references in 2003 by Muqaibel.
  • A short reference list is an indication of insufficient literature survey.

What is the size (weight) of a good proposal?

While the quality of the proposal is not measured by weight or number pages, the proposal should not be very short or too long. I have seen many proposals in he range of 25 pages (12 points font, 1.5 Spacing).

Can I get a sample proposal?

If this will not limit your creativity, you may visit my office in person and I will provide you with samples.

Suggested reading

A Personal Note on How to Start Research in Computer Networks:

Seven Steps on the Road to Success by Ahmed Helmy

Typical Thesis Outline

  • Cover page (Formal Graduate School Page)
  • Dedication
  • Acknowledgment
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • List of abbreviations
  • List of Symbols
  • Abstract English
  • Abstract Arabic

Chapter 1:

1.1 Introduction and Motivation

1.2 Thesis Contribution

1.3 Organization of the Thesis

1.4 Literature Survey (updated)