Research Interests

Research Interests

  • Wideband Signal Processing in Time and Frequency domains:
    • Time domain measurements & RF measurements.
    • Signal processing for measurements and communications.
    • Instrumentation (Network analyzers/ Pulse generators).
    • Sparse Sensing
  • Localization and Imaging
    • Through wall propagation
    • Though wall imaging
  • Communications:
    • Ultra wideband/Impulse radio communications
    • Wireless fading channels


  • DOA Estimation & Localization
    • Design of the array: Sparse array : 2D array.
    • Application of Deep Neural Network (DNN) for DOA. Seismic application
    • Optical wireless Localization:
      • Hybrid Localization (RF, light)
      • Limited light sources
      • Cooperative localization
  • Radar through the wall imaging
  • Developing Wireless Communications Network for Seismic Applications
  • Material Informatics
  • Biomedical
    • Remote sensing of Heart and breathing rate: RF implementation SDR, the best signal, separation of breathing from heart rate. Set up design (multiple sensors)
    • Posture correction