EE417 Modern Digital  Communication Systems

Welcome to your Modern Digital Communications Course Homepage. It is a pleasure to have you in this course. The course covers:

Review of digital representation of analog signals. Baseband transmission of digital signals. Matched filter detection. Performance of digital communication systems in the presence of noise. Signal-space analysis. Optimum receivers. Band-pass transmission of digital signals. Modulation schemes: ASK, FSK, PSK, OFDM. Introduction to entropy, channel capacity, and forward error control. Emerging topics in digital communication systems.

Prerequisites: EE 315, EE 370 

TEXTBOOK:   S. Haykin and M. Moher, Communication Systems, 5th edition, Wiley Publishing, 2010.

A good start is needed.

I pray Allah that you will find this course fruitful and enjoyable.

Acknowledgment: Please note that some material in this course are contributed with thanks by Dr. Suhail Al-Dharrab and some may come from other colleagues from the Communications Group in the EE Department, KFUPM. 

Course Syllabus

Class Notes

1.  Review: Probability theory and random processes (Ch5

For a full review visit my other course and YouTube Channel (link)

2. Digital Representation of Analog Signals (pdf(Ch7)

3. Baseband Transmission of Digital Signals (pdf(Ch8) 

4. Signal Space Analysis (pdf) (External Notes)

5. Bandpass Transmission  of Digital Signals (pdf) (Ch9)

6. Information Theory (pdf) (Ch10)

7. Forward Error Correction (pdf) (Ch10)

8. Emerging Communications Technologies  (Video, pdf)

9. Useful Topics  (Self Study)


(All HWs pdf)


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Exams :