Courses Taught

Courses at KFUPM

* Coordinator

In the hyperlinks provided below you can find lots of teaching resources. Some Courses Material are shifted to Blackboard.

 In addition to directed study courses 


Laboratories/Courses Taught at Virginia Tech

Laboratories Taught at KFUPM prior to PhD

Course Coordination

In addition to the single section courses, I have coordinated the following multi-section courses EE205, EE207, EE315, EE370, EE430, and the graduate seminar course EE599.

Course Development

I have developed two courses from scratch. These are:

I have joined two online course developments projects:

Complete online material was developed with active components.

I also have adopted textbook for EE570:"Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes" by Papoulis and Pillai.