Day 2

Driver Training

As a class, we're going to prepare to take our L test for driver training. To prepare, we will follow these steps:

Class #1

1) Get into groups of two or three. After, come talk to me about which chapter of the drivers test you would like to focus on. Find the chapters here:

2) Each member should read the chapter and take notes on their computer.

3) As a group, come up with at least five multiple choice questions. You can do more if you feel that important information will be missing.

4) Make sure these questions are accurate, clear, and challenge. Your classmates will depend on these questions!

Meal Plan Assignment


For this assignment, you and a partner will attempt to make a meal plan that fits a budget of $125 a week. For the plan, you must:

1) Find recipes you can cook for every meal in a week, except one, which can be takeout!

2) Write down all the ingredients you need, including the quantities.

3) Write down how much each of these ingredients cost.

4) Include plenty of healthy food (think back to what we covered in the first unit).

5) Make sure everything fits your budget!

Use the links below to get started. Good luck!

Places to Shop





Good and Cheap: Features a number of healthy and cheap options.

All Recipes: Good for looking up any food you like!

Your Rights in the Workplace

Use these two websites to answer the questions on your worksheet. Read the first page before answering any questions.

Career and Education Mapping: Final Assignment


For this assignment, you will write an essay that connects your career and education goals with a clear plan.

The point of this exercise is to bring together what we’ve talked about over the past two months into a vision for your future that you can implement starting next year.

If you know what you want to do after secondary school, that’s great. I hope this exercise helps clarify things for you!

If you don’t, that’s ok too. Consider this practice for making a clear plan. That way, when you decide what you want to do, you’ll know where to start.


This is a major assignment. Your answers will be marked on the following:

(1) Detail: Did you take the time to write detailed, well-researched questions?

(2) Clarity and Format: Did you take time to write a well-edited essay that answers all the questions in an organized manner?

(3) Realistic: Did you take a realistic look at your options and make a plan that you can really manage?

Your answers to each question should be at least a paragraph.


Part 1: Career

A) What career would you like in the future? Summarize the job, describe how much money it typically pays, and what its outlook is in British Columbia (or wherever you want to live). (Refer to the career options assignment)

B) Describe three ways this job is in line with your values. What’s appealing about it? The money? The chance to make a difference? The work hours? (Refer to the career values exercise)

C) Describe the lifestyle you could afford with this career. (Refer to the lifestyle check assignment)

D) What are some potential downsides with pursuing this career path?

Part 2: Education

A) What are the education requirements for this job? Describe in as much detail as possible.

B) What are two post-secondary programs you can pursue to help you pursue this career? Describe the reasons why you chose these programs. (Refer to the Post-secondary Programs assignment)

C) If you were to attend these programs, how much would it cost? Create a table that estimates the annual costs of attending this program. Also, explain how you will pay for this. Make sure you cover the details we went over in class. (Refer to the Post-Secondary Budgeting Assignment)

D) Describe three strategies you can use to improve your application package for your chosen post-secondary program? (Refer to the Application Assignment)

E) What secondary courses do you need to take at PW to enter this program? Also, what grades do you need?

Post-Secondary Budgeting

BC Scholarships/Bursaries:

Part-time Student Jobs (Vancouver):,-BC

Refer to the lifestyle-check exercise for cost of living information.

Lifestyle Check (participation assignment)

On a word document, write down the monthly cost for the lifestyle you want. You will send me your results at the end of class.








***For gas, look up the size of the gas tank, and multiply it by 1.29. That is the cost every time you fill up.****

Cell Phone Plans:


Spending Money / Entertainment

Be honest! How much do you spend each year on IPhones, clothes, restaurants etc. Do you like going to the movies? Do you play video games?


Look up the cost for yoga, karate, and art classes.


Budget at least $100 a day for spending on top of hotels.




You want to save at least 10% of your income. This might also go towards paying off debt.

Once you’re done, figure out how much money you would need to make after you pay your taxes.

Field Trip Information

Meeting Place and Time

-We are meeting beside the Vancouver Convention Centre at Canada Place from 12:15 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.

-If you're taking the bus, you MUST LEAVE BY 11:40 A.M.


Take the 16 and walk from the corner of Granville and West Hastings


Take the 25. Transfer onto the Canada Line and take it to Waterfront Station


Networking Questions

Make sure you answer these three questions (in writing) before next class.

1) How could you build two solid references by graduation?

2) How can you take advantage of community and family networks for job opportunities?

3) How can you build skills that will set you apart in the future?

Career Quizzes

Start by opening this link:;jsessionid=4C8D07FF22F20B9F2B7E3D666E86F80E.jobsearch76

1) Take the Interests quiz and fill out page #1.

2) Take the Abilities quiz and fill out page #2.

3) Take the Data, people and things quiz and fill out page #3.

For Each

a) Fill out the quiz.

b) Click careers that sound interesting.

c) Answer the first two columns on that page.

d) Press Learn more about this occupation for the other questions.

Post-Secondary Education Programs

Notable Local Programs

BCIT (Trades):

Langara College (College and Upgrading):

Simon Fraser University (University):

University of British Columbia (University):

Vancouver Community College (Trades and Upgrading):

BC post-secondary programs

Canadian university programs

International University Program Rankings

Mental Health Research Project


For this assignment, you will research one area of mental health and make an informative resource for students. The task has two purposes. First, to learn more about an area of mental health that interests you. Second, to communicate what you learn in an appealing way.

You can choose a broad area of mental health such as mood disorders, or a specific condition. You can work in pairs or individually.

Examples of topics

  • Addiction
  • Bi-Polar Disorder
  • Mood Disorders
  • Anxiety
  • Schizophrenia
  • Eating Disorders
  • Social Anxiety
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Your project must include:

  1. Definition and summary of an area of mental health.
  2. Symptoms/warning signs of a mental health condition.
  3. Tools/ways for individuals to manage this condition.
  4. Ways to support people living with this condition.

Examples of ways to present your work:

  • Infographic
  • Pamphlet
  • Poster
  • Webpage
  • YouTube Video
  • Instagram photo series/story

Resources to start:

Foundry BC: A set of resources developed by the BC Children’s Hospital

Here to Help BC: Lists information and resources available for people struggling with mental illnesses

Healthlink BC


Your project will be marked on the following criteria.

  1. Research: Your project must include detailed research on the topic and address all four areas of the criteria.
  2. Communication: However you present your work, your project must communicate all parts of the assignment clearly and creatively.
  3. Quality: Your project must show that you put care and effort into editing and crafting your project.

Due in class November 26

November 14 - Stress Readings

Strategies for managing stress in your life

Specific tools for managing stress in your life

November 12 - Anxiety Readings

Section #1 - Defining Anxiety

Section #2 - Signs of Anxiety

Section #3 - Ways to Manage Anxiety

Section #4 - Apps and Tools for Anxiety

Self Authoring Assignment

All three parts of the assignment are due November 12

Future Authoring

The Assignment

  • From the list you brainstormed, pick three goals you would like to pursue in your life.
  • Give each goal a title.
  • Briefly describe each goal.
  • For each, answer the five questions on the handout.

Answer the Following for Each Goal

1. Why do you want to pursue this goal?

2. If you achieved this goal, how would it impact you and the people around you?

3. What specific actions could you take to achieve this goal?

4. What are some obstacles you might face, and what are some solutions?

5. How can you monitor your progress towards this goal?

Brainstorm Section (do not hand in)

  • One thing you could do better
  • Things you would like to learn about over the next 6 months, 3 years, 5 years
  • Habits you would like to improve
  • Your ideal social/family life in the future
  • What you would like to do in your leisure time
  • Ideal career in the future
  • Qualities you admire

Past Authoring

1) Directions: Divide your life in 5 Epochs and describe each one.

2) Identify at least one significant experience that defined each epoch

3) Write about how each of these experiences have shaped who you are today.

Virtues vs Faults Exercise

After you go through the class handout, do the following:


1)Pick five faults you think make your life more difficult

2)For each, write a short story about a time where this fault created a negative impact on your life.

3)For each, write a short paragraph explaining what you could have done to avoid this situation.


1)Pick five virtues that make your life better

2)Write a short story about a time this trait improved your life.

3)Write a short paragraph explaining how you could use each virtue to improve your life even more.

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October 7, 2019

Make sure you bring the classwork we did on mindfulness and truth to Wednesdays class. I will be checking it for a participation mark.

October 3, 2019

Here is the article we read in today's class.

Here is the mindfulness app I mentioned.

September 25, 2019

Sleep and Health

Sleep and Public Safety

Sleep Guidelines

Info-graphic Examples

September 17, 2019

Make sure you complete bring your Eating Habits sheet to next class.

September 9, 2019

In class we talked about self-awareness and self-improvement.

You should have left class with a 10-minute strategy for improving your daily routine. Make sure you stick to your plan and stay mindful of your progress. We will talk about your results next week.