Annual Production

November 13, 2019

Edit your sections so they meet these specs.

Ella and Abby will make their way around the room with section-specific edits.

A second draft of everything is due December 13.

Let’s make a yearbook

Design Ideas

These are some images from old yearbooks the editors like.

September 24, 2019

-All students interested in photography need to meet with Mia. You can start taking academic photos today.

-All Terry Fox photographers, please use this class to edit and organize your photos.

-Section heads: I need a list of the work you need help with. Once I have this, I will find someone to help you.

-I'm still looking for someone interested in advertising/sales. Come talk to me!

-All students working on write-ups: you should have a polished first draft ready for your collagues on Monday.

-Make sure you send me your yearbook advertisements.

-Many of you haven't yet picked something you want to focus on in class. We need to find something for everyone today.

September 16th

Every senior student must send me their responsibilities for the yearbook. Many of you didn’t last class.

Section Heads

Today, the two editors are giving a presentation on the theme of the yearbook. After their presentation, all the section heads need to get started on a rough draft of their sections.

A rough draft of your entire section is due November 1st.

A second draft, with everything completed that is not time dependent, is due December 13th

First-year yearbook students

I need each of you to make a sales poster. The directions are under Assignments on my website.

Available jobs

If you don’t know what to focus on, we currently need students who want to focus on photography, design, and advertising/sales of the yearbook. If you have something in mind you want to do, come talk to me.