Places of Tourist Inretests Mt.Abu
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Trevor’s Tank
Trevor’s Tank, built by an English engineer in the sanctuary's heart, is a haven for a variety of birds and wild animals. It is located just beyond the famous Delaware Jain temples. They constructed this sanctuary, intending to see wildlife at close quarters. At the end of the tank, a watchtower, or Machan, still stands, which served as an observation point. From this vantage point, bears and could observe the panther without fear of being attacked.
Today this man-made tank was home to crocodiles that were introduced by the wildlife department some years ago. Trevor Tank is an ideal place for a leisurely trek through its dense woodland. Birdwatcher’s from all parts of the world delight at watching a variety of different species of the feathered world. The population of wild animals has dwindled drastically over the years if one is lucky, one might get a glimpse of the samba, or the sloth bear that inhabits this place. The Leopard. Well, that’s a different story altogether. Once tigers roamed these hills and ravines but are now history like the legendary Phoenix. Tourists, as well as the locals, have made this a picnic destination; weekends are best avoided if one is looking for peace around the artificial lake. Someone can only traverse this restricted area after sunrise and has to leave before sunset. There is an entry fee levied for the domestic and the foreigners who visit this place, they also charge vehicles a fee.
Please check for the latest costs and timings a lot has changed during the ongoing global pandemic.
To see some wonderful photographs of this place and of others taken from this vantage point, watch the few snaps I’ve taken.
Trevor Tank
Westward view of Abu Town from Trevor The Machan overlooking the tank
Plummy enlightened
My face is enlightened for the world to see,
I’m Plummy from Abu smiling on Thee,
Climb to my pinnacle and feel free,
Birds of Paradise reside in me.