Source Code

Here is the link to my Github repository:

This is what it should look like:

The Github repository

You need to have R in order to run this code, and I highly recommend you use RStudio to run this application. Links to R and RStudio respectively are below:

Please make sure that the directory you are in has the data file inside of it. To see what directory you are in, run the command getwd() and it should output your current directory. To change your directory, run the command setwd('the path to your data file') and you should now be in the correct directory.

I use several libraries in my application and you may get errors if you have not installed the libraries. In order to fix this, in RStudio run the command install.packages('libraryyouneed') and then that should be resolved. If you want to run the application, you can either click the green play button above the script that says 'Run App' or copy and paste all of the code into the terminal then run it.