The Magnolia Tree

May 24, 2022

The Magnolia Tree

Have you ever seen the movie Steel Magnolias? It is pretty high up on my favorites list. I’m not sure if it’s the most appealing to me because of its tear-jerking plot, or because of its perfectly timed comedic lines that give you just the right moment of pause needed for emotional relief.

I can relate to almost every character! A woman who longs for love, a mother who worries about her daughter, a neighbor who hides a tender heart behind a grouchy personality, and the beauty shop owner who “never leaves home without lycra on her thighs.”

In one of the early scenes, as a family prepares for a wedding, there is some dispute over a magnolia tree that is between neighbors. Magnolia trees are certainly grand and beautiful. Their blooms and leaves, known for their beauty and durability, are commonly used for floral decorations at weddings. So, probably ever since I first watched this movie, I have imagined that perhaps one day I would have the opportunity to use such a tree to decorate one or both of my children’s weddings.

When our daughter was around two years old I decided to plant a magnolia tree in our yard. We picked out just the right spot, planted it together, and for a time watered it faithfully.

Although I will never be able to claim any skill in gardening, I do know a few things about plants. Clearly it would take many years, or even decades, to grow the magnificent tree I imagined in my mind. However, I had a small hope that 20 or so years would be enough to grow ample clippings for decor.

Fast forward 21 years.

As I pull from my driveway I glance to the right to gaze at my magnolia tree…. its beautiful deep green leaves…. white blooms…. alive…. but not growing, not thriving…. only inches of growth. Two decades and my magnolia tree is still a tiny sapling with no glorious limbs. No cascade of foliage. No bounty of blooms.

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about my magnolia tree. I wonder if it will ever grow. I wonder if I will ever see it in the way I had always imagined. And then I wonder if God looks at me and my faith in the same way. Alive…. but not growing.

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. -Hebrews 11:6

In the 11th chapter of Hebrews you can find example after example of how God rewards faith. (If you need inspiration, this is a great place to start!)

I find myself now moving into a season of growth. A season of trust. A season of faith.

I wonder if I could be like Abraham. Like Moses. Like Rahab.

And I am asking myself these questions.

Has God been watching me like I have been watching my magnolia tree? Is He imagining what I could be? Is He waiting for me to grow so that He can use me?

Am I ready? Yes I am.

Here I am Lord, use me.