A Tale of Two Mindsets

February 16, 2022

A Tale of Two Mindsets


I hear the sound of my morning alarm.

I roll over to glance at my phone, hoping that the sound was my imagination, or that by some shift in the timeline, it is really a day we can sleep in.

A day that won’t be rushed.

A day absent from the clutter of things that can go wrong.

I try to wake up and get my mind moving by scrolling through the addicting pages of Facebook, Instagram, and a peep at Twitter too.

I wonder if my life will ever look like the pictures I see of perfect families.

Children adorned in beautiful clothing.

Women my age without wrinkles wearing their beautiful smiles of satisfaction that must come from a life of perfection.

Then the snoozing alarm reawakens and the sobering reality of the impending day resumes.

This day is like the others.

I navigate similar conversations.

I muddle through the hard parts and smile when necessary along the way.

As the long day finally comes to an end, I settle for the evening and reflect.

I can think only of my missteps, my wrong words, and my moments of failure.

A quick scroll through my phone reminds me of what I’m missing.

How my life must be wrong.

How other people have it all right.

And my mind is filled with doubt as I fall to sleep.

I hear the sound of my morning alarm.

I roll over to glance at my phone, hoping that the sound was my imagination.

The day repeats.

The day ends.

And I fall asleep defeated again.



I hear the sound of my morning alarm.

I roll over to glance at my phone and realize it’s a new day.

A new day to learn.

A new day to grow.

A new day untouched by regret.

I take a deep breath and wake up my mind as I read a few familiar verses.

I wonder how many people around the world are doing the same.

No need for the snooze today, I’ve had a good night’s rest.

As I pass by the mirror, I say a quick hello to the woman I see.

She and I are now friends, despite a past filled with despising words and disdain.

The cat is purring as she brushes by my ankle and the sounds of the morning begin to usher in.

Chirping birds.

Rustling wind.

And faith-filled, inspiring favorites playing on my music app.

My mind clears and the conversation begins.

“God, what do you have in store for today?”

“Will you help me?”

“Will you walk with me?”

“Will you make my day productive and efficient?”

I hold hands with my husband as he prays for our children and I wonder what God has planned.

The day unfolds with its typical challenges, but somehow today they seem more manageable.

The evening arrives and I rejoice for my friends as I scroll through their interesting and beautiful posts.

I’m no longer envious, but happy instead.

As the day comes to a close I am thankful.

I have been comforted.

I have been carried.

And I realize that He led me the whole way.


I hear the sound of my morning alarm….

What will I choose today?


This is the day which the Lord hath made;

I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24