2 Capri Suns

May 15, 2021

What I learned from 2 Capri Suns…

As children we often need simple illustrations to understand things. Lately I’ve been reminded a lot of some of the lessons I learned as a child. I’m not entirely sure that these were intentional lessons, but nevertheless, they left an impression on me.

Growing up there were many times that money was tight for our family. Many of you could probably say the same. Of course, as a kid, I really didn’t understand the depth of that struggle.

Every so often my grandparents would invite my sister and I to go to town with them. Going to town was a big deal! We lived too far away to go often, so making the trip was always something special. Just the chance at a McDonald’s cheeseburger was worth the effort to get dressed and go.

On our trips to town with Granny and Meow Pop we would always visit the grocery store. On these visits they would let my sister and I have our own cart. We got to put anything in it we liked (within reason of course). Much to my displeasure, the cart couldn’t be completely filled with junk food, but even just a few treats were enough to make the trip more than worth it.

As an elementary student one of the status symbols I took note of was the ability to bring your own lunch or snack to school. You can imagine my excitement when my grandparents let me add a few special snacks to the grocery cart. I was especially excited about getting a box of Capri Suns.

That evening when we got back home with our grocery surprises I remember sitting on the kitchen floor while mom sorted and put away the groceries. As she put away the items I noticed she was putting some things in a separate box.

Then it happened… a moment that is forever etched in my mind. I watched in shock as my mom opened my Capri Sun box, took out two of the individual pouches, and added them to her separate box. “What are you doing?” I asked. “Those are mine.”

I don’t remember the words she used, but I remember very clearly the message. My mom began to explain to me that she was tithing from the food that we had been blessed with. The box she was preparing was to donate to the church pantry. She explained to me what the Bible tells us about tithing and how she was giving our food as a tithe and offering.

My mind was spinning. It didn’t make sense. Even though I was young, I did the math and I knew that 2 of my Capri Suns accounted for more than 10%. Maybe I could give up one. But two? And furthermore, isn’t tithing about money? Why were we giving our food away?

So here’s what I learned. I learned that it was God, through my grandparents, who had provided this food. By giving back what was His, we were obeying and He continued to bless us. I learned that tithing is about more than giving money. In this case, food was all we had.

As an adult, together with my husband, we have learned that tithing is an important act of faith. When we are tempted to withhold, when the numbers in the checkbook don’t make sense, we are reminded of all the blessings God has provided over the years. We are reminded of His grace and mercy.

If you struggle with tithing, I challenge you to try it. Watch God show out. You cannot out give Him. He will bless your obedience.

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

Luke 6:38