Rhapsody in Blue


In 1924 jazz and blues burst into the world of the classical orchestra thanks to trailblazer George Gershwin, who composed music full of the energy and playfulness of New York City in the 1920s.

Packed with Gershwin’s own dazzling piano solos, Rhapsody in Blue has become one of the most famous orchestral pieces of all time.

Hear this page read aloud...

Rhapsody in Blue Narration.m4a


  • Pause the audio file and click on this link to take you to a performance of the music...

  • And see if you can answer the questions below...

  • Which instrument starts the piece? Here’s the answer but the letters are muddled up. Can you unscramble them?! t e r l i c n a

  • Which is the main solo instrument? Here’s the answer but the letters are muddled up. Can you unscramble them?! n i p a o

  • Imagine you are in New York. What sounds can you hear?


  1. Write a poem called, ‘Sounds of the City’. What sounds might you hear, how does it make people feel? Send your finished poems to us at music@bedford.gov.uk . We may put it up on this website!

  1. George Gershwin said that the idea for composing this music came to him whilst he was on a train. Let’s make some train music!

First, make a steady beat using your hands and feet. Count 1-2-3-4 to start...

Next, say this phrase. Say 1-2-3-4 to start...

Finally, put both parts together! (Perhaps you can use items around the house to play this piece of music?)

3. Do you play a musical instrument? If so play along to this backing track using the notes D and C (Use notes E and D if you play clarinet or trumpet). Use more notes if you wish! Wait for the clicks and then start. To help, you could play rhythms like… ‘City in the night’ …. ‘Taxis driving ‘round the streets’ … ‘Lights are bright across the sky’



Listen to more information about ‘Rhapsody in Blue’ by clicking on this link…..
