the proposal

20200918_MedIsWet FPP_FINAL.pdf

Final project proposal (FPP) - Phase 2 (2020 - 2022)


Phase 2 will allow the continuity of the work done during phase 1, with a special focus on restoration activities on sites and priority areas identify during Phase 1, and policy actions at the Regional and National level.

The FPP can be found and retrieved from here.

Final project proposal (FPP) - Phase 1 (2017 - 2020)


The FPP The project will be focused on the island wetlands of the Mediterranean Basin and overall 14 partners will join efforts towards a common goal: the implementation of the Ramsar resolution XII.14 by year 2022.. The file can be found in this link.


Budget per partner (FPP)


In the adjacent table, the final budget files per partner, submitted to MAVA Foundation have been uploaded. Each partner has permission to view and download only the respective budget file.

Other files in the FPP


In the adjacent table, various files related to the development and the implementation of the MedIsWet project have been uploaded. Some of these files have been included in the FPP (e.g. monitoring table, result chain, risk and mitigation) while the "activities & output" file contain the activities per partner per year.

Initial proposal submitted to MAVA


In late November 2016, a first proposal entitled "Conservation of the island wetlands of the Mediterranean Basin: A replication of the Greek island wetlands project" was submitted to MAVA. This proposal came as a result of MAVA's strategy 2016-2022 for the Mediterranean Basin Programme (Target 2: Coastal and island wetlands of high ecological value). Finally in December 2016, MAVA's board approved the Med island wetlands project and a Final Project Proposal (FPP) was asked to be prepared and submitted. An Outcome Action Plan (OAP), describing various aspects of the project was prepared by MAVA in January 2017.

Med Island Wetlands Proposal.pdf

Mediterranean Island Wetlands Project

Conservation of the island wetlands of the Mediterranean Basin