
MedWet announces the launch of the project


"Two years after the adoption of the XII.14 Ramsar Resolution in Uruguay (see our latest article here), 13 partners from 9 Mediterranean countries are joining forces towards a common goal: The conservation of the island wetlands of the Mediterranean Basin." More about the article, in MedWet's webpage.

Travelling across Adriatic Islands, No 2


"Here is the second story, the second island called and known by all as Dugi Otok (=Long Island)! Surely you have been tingling with anticipation for the sequel about the Adriatic Islands wetlands?! Let's take a look at the news brought to you by this instalment of the travels along the Adriatic! We visited Dugi Otok, the largest of the northern Dalmatian islands, in May 2017, from the 8th to the 13th." You can read the full article in Hyla's webpage.

Travelling across the Adriatic islands, No 1


"During the last few months we are introducing you with our story which we create through the project "Wetlands of Adriatic islands". With this blog, you will not only be informed about this project, whose goal is to evaluate the wetlands on Adriatic islands, you will also be able to become a part of our story. Through the regular articles you'll be able to follow our field work and learn interesting facts about wetlands, their importance, ..." You can read the full article in Hyla's webpage.

Articles & Press release Archive

Articles archive

Mediterranean Island Wetlands Project

Conservation of the island wetlands of the Mediterranean Basin