file repository

Monthly activity report form template-Phase 2.xlsx

Monthly activity report template


The monthly activity report form has been created to ease all MedIsWet partners keeping track of their activities and report back on a monthly basis. It contains all the activity tables found in MedIsWet page (under activities tab). Please download the report from here.

ToR Consultancy for land use change in Kerkennah islands


WWF North Africa has published the ToR on "Appel à consultation pour la présentation et l’évaluation des pratiques d’aménagement territorial dans les îles de Kerkennah". The purpose of thhe position is the analysis of the land use change in Kerkennah islands. You can download the file from here.

TOR Consultation MedIsWet_WWF North Africa.pdf
TOR Ramsar Update_WWF North Africa.docx

ToR Update of the Ramsar sites in Tunisia


WWF North Africa has published the ToR on "Appel à consultation pour la mise à jour des sites Ramsar existants dans les îles Tunisiennes ". The purpose of the position is the update of the Ramsar sites existing on the Tunisian islands. You can download the file from here.

ToR Consultancy for legal analysis


WWF Adria has published the ToR on "Consultancy for legal analysis of conservation status of island wetlands in Croatian legislation and its implementation". You can download the file from here.

WWF Adria_ToR for MedIsWet legal consultant.docx

A wetland flora description guide


A guide for the most representative wetland flora species has been prepared by the CCB/University of Cagliari. Although it refers to the flora species of the Italian island, it may be useful to all the MedIsWet partners. Please, notice that this is not a scientific documentation and it's only for internal usage. You can find the guide here.

Updated field sheet


An updated version of the field sheet has been developed by Association Hyla and can be found in the following link. This new version is more compact (4 pages compared to the 13 pages of the initial field sheet) and more practical/stylish. In the same link you can find a list of the Natura habitats, which after the necessary changes can be attached to the field sheet. The first - older - version of the field sheet can be found here (uploaded date: 13.10.2016).

Updated Field Sheet.docx
Final National reports template.docx

Final national reports template


As described in the project proposal (here), after completing the national inventories (Strategy A), all national partners should produce a final report. All national reports should follow an identical structure as they will be used by the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory (MWO) to produce a a pan-mediterranean report that will synthesize the outcomes of the national effort and disseminate the results at a wider scale (Strategy C). The template for the final national reports can be downloaded from here.



In the adjacent repository, all pertinent logos of the partners and the MedIsWet project have been uploaded. These logos can be freely downloaded and used in all relative actions (e.g. publications, presentations, etc.)

ToR Consultants Island Wetlands.docx

ToR Consultants Island Wetlands


The adjacent "Term of Reference" file contains all the required qualifications and major duties and responsibilities, in case a partner is planning to make a job announcement for a new associate.

Mediterranean Island Wetlands Project

Conservation of the island wetlands of the Mediterranean Basin