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More about MedIsWet project
Useful files have been upload in the "MedIsWet project" section:
Comprehensive information about the project can be found in the "About" section.
The final project proposal (FPP submitted to MAVA on June 6th 2017 and other relevant documents (e.g. budgets, activities and outputs, monitoring table, risk and mitigation table, etc) are in the "Proposal" section.
The people involved in the MedIsWet project and other stakeholder contacts are presented in the "Contact lists" section.
The yearly report template and the monitoring template that all partners should fill in every six months can be found in the "Monitoring and reporting" section.
Other files like logos, past inventories, etc can be found in the "File repository" section.
Deliverables & achievements
In the "Activities" section, latest news per action are presented while an archive of all project deliverables and achievements is kept. This section will be frequently updated with latest news.
Geographical data
Google Earth (*kmz) and GIS (*shp) files have been uploaded in the "Geo data" section.
Policy documents
In the "Policy docs" section all relative documents, such as the Ramsar Resolution XII.14 will be kept.
Database files
All files necessary to construct the national databases have been placed in the "Database files" section.
Terra Cypria | Association Hyla | Nature Trust Malta | Mediterranean Small Islands Initiative (PIM) |
CUTGANA/University of Catania | CCB/University of Cagliari | CEAS-CRTM Laguna di Nora | Saline di Priolo
WWF Adria | WWF Greece | WWF Mediterranean | WWF Spain | WWF Turkey | WWF North Africa |
Mediterranean Island Wetlands Project
Conservation of the island wetlands of the Mediterranean Basin