Wade Gensemer

Wade Edward Gensemer

Army (CAV) - Private - 20

July 19, 1924 - October 28, 1944

Wadsworth, Ohio - Carigara, Philippines

1st Cavalry Division, 7th Cavalry Regiment, Troop "C"


Genemser's Final Moments

On the October 27th, 7th Cav. was ordered to take over cities Barugo and Carigara. Gensemer would be under Lieutenant James "Tower" Greenbow." On October 28th, Troop "C" entered the east part of Carigara. At the main intersection, Gensemer's Troop received fire from buildings where he was injured. US forces were not able to get to Gensemer before the retreat. Japanese forces captured Gensemer. They tortured him, murdered him, and mutilated his body afterward. Two days later he was found half-buried in a two-story Filipino house lying on his back with dried blood around him. He still wore his uniform with his tags, but his socks and shoes were removed. The injuries he received are listed: fingers jerked from sockets, head bashed in, teeth knocked out, bayonet wounds, feet burned and a fingernail removed. The final cause of death is believed to be "Penetrating wound of the skull". Gensemer's death and mutilated body were used as evidence when Japanese General Tomoyuki Yamashita was charged with war crimes. Private Gensemer's name was posted in newspapers all around America. They were November 17, 1945 issues when the war crime details were released.


Purple Heart Medal

Prisoner of War Medal

Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal

WWII Victory Medal