X-Ray Information

X-Rays are a requirement for all individuals 11 years of age and older. We do not perform the X-Ray's on site. They are performed at My Health Centre, the same building as our office. They are the only facility in London that has been approved for Immigration chest x-rays. Staff there have user names and passwords to be able to access your file on the website and upload the x-ray film and report.

Phone: 519-661-0275

Fax: 519-661-0616

Email: info@myhealthcentre.ca

Website: myhealthcentre.ca

My Health Centre is located in the same building as our office in suite 111 (279-111 Wharncliffe Road North London, Ontario N6H 2C2).


Monday 7:30a.m.–5:30p.m.

Tuesday 7:30a.m.–5:30p.m.

Wednesday 7:30a.m.–7p.m.

Thursday 7:30a.m.–5:30p.m.

Friday 7:30a.m.–5p.m.

Saturday 8a.m.–4p.m.

Sunday Closed

** Please note the X-Ray office is closed on Saturdays of Holiday weekends (Family Day, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Civic Holiday, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years)

You cannot go for the x-ray until after you have come to our office, have a photo taken and the papers prepared for the x-ray exam.

You need to take the following 4 items:

1. I.D. - best is passport

2. A paper which we will give you prior to leaving our office. This page has a bar code and health case number on it. The x-ray facility will use this information to look up your case in the system.

3. The x-ray requisition which we will give you.

4. A credit card or debit card - the fee for the x-ray is $55.00 per person receiving an x-ray.

Please note that if you are female and are pregnant or could be pregnant, you need to discuss the risks/ benefits of x-ray with me prior to having the chest x-ray.

Even if you have had a chest x-ray recently you will still have to have another one as we have to follow the designated protocol.