Exam Information

Part 2


We need to wait for the results of the blood tests and the x-ray report before we can grade the exam, complete it and submit it to IRCC. This will take approximately 1 week. Sometimes we can complete the file in 3 days however it generally is 1 week. It may take longer if we have to wait for additional lab tests or specialist reports.

I will not be emailing you with the date of submission of the file. Please log onto the IRCC website at MYCIC . Please create a record at that site and you can follow your immigration process. Alternatively you can call 1-800-242-2100. In addition there is also a website where you can complete a web form and submit questions found here: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/contact-ircc/client-support-centre.html Note there is a time interval of approx. 4 weeks before you will see confirmation by IRCC on the website.


I will not be emailing you with results. If we uncover a medical issue during the exam we will inform you and recommend follow up. If there is an abnormal urine or blood test we will inform you. If there is an abnormal chest x-ray you will be informed.

We grade and submit the medical information. The grades are either A(nothing wrong) or B (something wrong). The file is submitted electronically and reaches the head medical office in Ottawa where the doctors make the final decision of pass / fail. We are advised not to comment on pass/fail in advance. We are not informed of the results by Ottawa head office. You have to find out the pass/fail result yourself via the MYCIC website.


Further assessment and monitoring of any medical issues needs to be undertaken by your family physician. We will not be your family doctor . You will need to find a family doctor or use a walk in clinic.

Should there be a problem with the medical exam ,the doctors in Ottawa will contact you (using the contact information on the application form). This is called a “furtherance”. You will need to call or preferably email me to schedule an appointment for a furtherance.

The medical exam that we perform is the same exam regardless of reason- visitor, student or permanent residence. It is valid for 12 months. If you apply to IRCC, for a change in status e.g. for permanent residence, within the 12 months, you can use the paper we give you, with the bar code and file number, as proof of having the exam.

Any further questions you can email me at mcdonaghimmigrationservices@gmail.com