Links to help Students explore the world.

The Internet has almost infinite pages of websites and information for research, study, and entertainment. Here are some links of interest for the MBMS community.

Multi-Use Websites:

LA County Library: BrainFuse Homework Help

LA COUNTY LIBRARY: Live online tutoring is available every day from Noon-10:00pm.

Homework Help: Interact with live tutors in math, science, reading/writing, social studies.

Live Assistance: Interact with live tutors in math, science, reading, writing, history.

Homework Send Question: Submit homework questions for expert guidance.

This series of virtual programs and supplemental resources from LA County Library covers a variety of topics related to the challenges of parenting during this time. Get tips on:

+How to use library resources to support distance learning.

+Managing and tracking your child(ren)’s schoolwork.

+Ways to help your child(ren) stay focused and on task.

+How to support your student(s) and help them support themselves.

+Virtual programs on Wednesdays: 4 pm – In English, 5 pm – In Spanish.

Manhattan Beach Library

*The LA County Library has developed the STUDENT CARD PLUS, a fine free digital library card available for youth ages 0-17, that will allow them to check out up to 3 books at a time from our libraries currently offering Sidewalk Service, and provides full access to our online resources.

Reading Websites:

Databases and Miscellaneous Reference:

LA County Public Library Databases

Encyclopedia Britannica -- School Library

World Maps and Atlas

Old Farmer's Almanac /

Grey's Anatomy of the Human Body /

Bartlett's Quotations

CIA World Factbook (including Flags)

Google Translate ~ Languages

ProQuest SIRS Discoverer:

A multidisciplinary database for elementary and middle school learners, researchers, and educators covering curriculum areas such as current events, history, health, language arts, math, science, social studies, and technology.

ProQuest CultureGrams:

CultureGrams is a leading reference for concise and reliable cultural information on the countries of the world.


Bibliography/Citation Generator - MLA, APA, Chicago Style

Information Literacy // Internet Search Aides

Information literacy is the set of skills required to identify, retrieve, organize, analyze and share information.

How to Evaluate a Website: CRAAP or CRAP Test --

The test provides a list of questions to ask yourself when deciding whether or not a source is reliable and credible enough to use in your academic research paper.

CRAAP stands for Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose.

CRAAP / CRAP is a first-line examination of the website you're on - also called vertical reading.

SIFT Evaluation of Resources:


(I)nvestigate the Source

(F)ind better coverage

(T)race claims, quotes, and media back to the original context

SIFT vs. CRAAP/CRAP: The difference is between a narrow list of things to do (SIFT) and a broad list of things to consider and rate (CRAAP/CRAP).

Something to keep in mind: the CRAAP/CRAP and SIFT tests are only a couple of methods for evaluating content.

There are also other methods out there that may be helpful such as:

RADAR (Relevance, Authority, Date, Appearance, Reason for writing).


5Ws -- Ask the 5W questions (Who, What, When, Where, Why) to help determine if a source is reliable, credible, and appropriate for your assignment.