Putting an Item on Hold

+ Once you are Logged In to your personal page on Follett Destiny, please click the CATALOG tab at the upper left of the screen. This will get you to the main search page.

+ In the FIND search box, you can narrow or expand your search parameters as desired. You can browse or search for topics, titles, genres and also see if items are available.

+Once you find your desired item, you can click on the title of the item to get to a screen with more Title Details, including the option to HOLD the item.

+You can quickly see how many copies are at the MBMS library and how many are currently available by looking at the information on the right side of the screen of the item Title. Example -- Local copies available: 2 of 4

+Once your HOLD is available, the MBMS Librarian will contact your school email address regarding the best way to pick-up the item at MBMS.

You may email the Librarian at comeara@mbusd.org if you have questions or need assistance.