
Technology is a key element of integrating different ways of learning. Throughout the unit plan, diverse technologies are introduced to support interdisciplinary learning, differentiation, digital literacy, and student engagement. Geographic Information Systems (GIS), digital maps and satellite imagery help bring a spatial connection to the content and bridge to geographic thinking. Technology is used support in field trips, fieldwork, and capture evidence from the outside of the classroom. Hands-on exploration using maps, as well as visual and auditory alternatives (text, audio, numerical, visual) enhance differentiation to meet the needs of the learner. This creates equal opportunity for learning and understanding.

Technology also helps bring the content to students through a multimodal approach. Lessons are provided in a variety of formats such as documentaries, storytelling, video conferencing with experts, online research, and digital questionnaires. Using programs such as Google Docs/Sheets, multimedia presentation software, voice recorders, and Chromebooks/iPads also support digital literacy skills. Technology promotes student engagement through incorporating personal interest, creating a diverse learning environment, and allowing for student choice.