
To ensure authenticity in an inquiry or interdisciplinary plan, the topic needs to be “based on a real-world question, issue, problem or idea – and it’s personally meaningful for students” (Friesen, et al., 2015, p. 65). This unit plan is centered around the big idea of understanding the value of natural spaces. Students are encouraged to look specifically at the multifaceted significance of forested parks.

The concern for the health of the environment is of paramount importance. Issues such as climate change, pollution, species decline, natural disasters, ecosystem destruction, and industrial threats are relevant current topics. The complexity of these issues highlight the spectacular interconnectedness of our planet and ecosystems, including the forest. Understanding the delicate balance required to sustain life on our planet has tremendous real-world relevance.

With the increasing focus on the health of our planet, it is necessary, more than ever, for students to connect personally with natural spaces. It is hoped that the unit plan encourages students to form deep personal connections to the forest and ecosystem, while at the same time allowing the opportunity to explore it with a balanced and well-informed perspective. In turn, students will grow toward becoming critical thinking, respectful, park users and planners of the future.


Friesen, S., Saar, C., Park, A., Marcotte, C., Hampshire, T., Martin, B., Brown, B., & Martin, J. (2015). Chapter 2: discipline based inquiry: making it work. Retrieved from