Videos and Viewing Guides/Edpuzzles

March On, Milwaukee: A Digital Series

  • In May and June 2020, Dr. Robert Smith and Adam Carr facilitated webinars with historians and activists. The videos of the webinars are available for educators to learn how to teach the history of the Open Housing Marches and for direct use with students in class. Click on the viewing guide below for descriptions of each segment and links to download videos and segments and play them on YouTube. For ease of use in classes, each 15-20 minute segment also has an Edpuzzle that can be assigned virtually so that students are prompted to reflect and answer questions as they watch.
  • May 6th: "200 Nights of Freedom: Teaching the Open Housing Marches"
  • May 13th: “Race, Migration and the Roots of Resistance in the Cream City” featuring Reggie Jackson, John Gurda & Joseph Walzer
  • May 20th: “The Open Housing Marches: A Scholarly Roundtable” featuring Dr. Erica Metcalfe & Dr. Patrick Jones
  • May 27th: “Democracy in Troubled Times: The Movement Continues”
  • May 29th: "Table Talk: Teaching Race and Equality"
  • June 3rd: "Why the Nation Erupted: Historicizing this Moment" (Special Edition)
A Guide to Videos and Edpuzzles -- Open Housing Marches

Freedom Walkers for Milwaukee

MPTV's Freedom Walkers for Milwaukee (Black Nouveau Presents) Viewing Guide

Vel Phillips: Dream Big Dreams

In 2015, Wisconsin Public Television created a documentary detailing the amazing life of Milwaukee civil rights leader Vel Philips, including her tireless advocacy for fair housing in Milwaukee.


Check out the trailer for the upcoming film When Hell Freezes Over: The Story of Father James Groppi