July 18, 1967

"Tuesday, July 18, 1967, the Youth Council went to the home of Aldermen Robert J. Dwyer, where Dwyer's daughter reported that her father was not home. When Father Groppi and the Youth Council returned the next night, Dwyer met with Youth Council president Fred Bronson. After their meeting, Bronson told reporters that "the time spent with Dwyer was wasted." (p. 33)

"Later that week the Youth Council picketed several times at the home of Alderman Eugene Woehrer, who lived at 600 East Burleigh Street and represented a district with a sizable black constituency. The picket lines started small, no more than two dozen people. As the picketing continued, it gained momentum as the Youth Council marched for several blocks around the Woehrer neighborhood, upsetting some neighbors while others joined in the line. By the end of the week, according to newspaper reports, one hundred people were on the picket line."

From Margaret Rozga's "March on Milwaukee," Wisconsin Magazine of History, Volume 90, Number 4, Summer 2007, http://content.wisconsinhistory.org/cdm/compoundobject/collection/wmh/id/49374/show/49343/rec/6 , p. 33.