901 - Assignment 1.2
Application of Learning Theories
In this module we were tasked with deepening our understanding of 4 different theories of learning. Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism and Multiple Intelligences.
After watching the videos and reading the course materials I did some searches for learning theory infographics to help me understand them better. I liked these two. They helped me solidify my understanding of these theories and realize that it is not an either/or decision. Our classrooms need to have a mix of learning opportunities, and different theories lend themselves to different subject areas. I don't think a class should be structured based on only one learning theory. The first graphic helped me understand what types of activities lend themselves to the various theories and what that would look like in the classroom. In the graphic on the right, it includes connectivism in which learning is very personalized and self-directed.
The theory of multiple intelligences was developed by Dr. Howard Gardner and he identifies 8 different areas in which can be "smart."
- musical (music smart)
- bodily - kinesthetic (body smart)
- interpersonal (people smart)
- verbal-linguistic (word smart)
- logical-mathematical (logic/numbers smart)
- naturalistic (nature smart)
- intrapersonal (self smart)
- visual-spacial (picture smart)
Often a ninth intelligence, existential intelligence, is included as well.
The graphic to the right is a link to a very clever comic book written by Andrew Wells that discusses the history of beliefs about intelligence and describes Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences and what it means for teachers.
I believe that the theory of multiple intelligences fits into any of the three previously discussed learning theories. As teachers we need to encourage our students to reflect and understand where their intelligence lies so that they can identify ways of learning that work for them. There is no official way to assess multiple intelligences (MI), but there are some self-assessments and MI inventories that can help students identify where their strengths and interests lie.
Assignment Task: Create a lesson plan using a learning theory different from what you typically use
Since I tend to design lessons and structure my classroom through the lens of cognitivism, I wanted to design an experience for my students that was more constructivist in nature for this assignment. In this lesson, students will work through a self-paced HyperDoc to learn about animal adaptations and then design their own new animal and identify how this imaginary animal is adapted to survive in a specific environment. I also believe that this lesson address a variety of intelligences and engage my learners. Attached is the HyperDoc that the students will use and a document indicating the standards, learning targets and resources.