Project Guides

Booklet Style

Level 1

Story Coders' Guide.pdf
Story Teachers' Notes.pdf

This project consists of six 30-minute lessons. It introduces basic coding and screen interface concepts as well as basic interactivity. Students will use direct commands and student-created programs as well as interactive control objects (such as buttons), graphics, text, and sound to tell a story.

Although this project is focused on describing a trip or adventure, students can use the tools and coding skills they learn for any kind of narrative-based project.

Grades 3 - 10

Curriculum Connections

Math E1. describe and represent shape, location, and movement by applying geometric properties and spatial relationships in order to navigate the world around them


MATH C3. solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations using coding concepts and skills

Grade 3

C3.1 solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations by writing and executing code, including code that involves sequential, concurrent, and repeating events

C3.2 read and alter existing code, including code that involves sequential, concurrent, and repeating events, and describe how changes to the code affect the outcomes

Grade 4

C3.1 solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations by writing and executing code, including code that involves sequential, concurrent, repeating, and nested events

C3.2 read and alter existing code, including code that involves sequential, concurrent, repeating, and nested events, and describe how changes to the code affect the outcomes

Grade 5

C3.1 solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations by writing and executing code, including code that involves conditional statements and other control structures

C3.2 read and alter existing code, including code that involves conditional statements and other control structures, and describe how changes to the code affect the outcomes

Grade 6

C3.1 solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations by writing and executing efficient code, including code that involves conditional statements and other control structures

C3.2 read and alter existing code, including code that involves conditional statements and other control structures, and describe how changes to the code affect the outcomes and the efficiency of the code

Level 2

Race Simulation Coders' Guide.pdf
Race Simulation Teachers' Notes.pdf

This project consists of six 30-minute lessons. It introduces and reinforces some basic coding concepts as well as some more advanced ones, such as creating an "on touch” event handler, parallel processes and multiple turtle control.

Students will use built-in commands and student-created programs as well as interactive control objects (such as buttons), graphics and sound to create a computer race simulation.

While creating this simulation, students explore math concepts such as randomness and its connection to probability.

Grades 4 - 10

Curriculum Connections

Math C3. solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations using coding concepts and skills

Grade 5

C3.1 solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations by writing and executing code, including code that involves conditional statements and other control structures

C3.2 read and alter existing code, including code that involves conditional statements and other control structures, and describe how changes to the code affect the outcomes

Grade 6

C3.1 solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations by writing and executing efficient code, including code that involves conditional statements and other control structures

C3.2 read and alter existing code, including code that involves conditional statements and other control structures, and describe how changes to the code affect the outcomes and the efficiency of the code

Grade 7

C3.1 solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations by writing and executing efficient code, including code that involves events influenced by a defined count and/or sub-program and other control structures

C3.2 read and alter existing code, including code that involves events influenced by a defined count and/or sub-program and other control structures, and describe how changes to the code affect the outcomes and the efficiency of the code

Level 3


In this project, the Seeker will be an Astronaut who needs to collect 3 solar panels to power-up their space ship and get back to Earth. Aliens have another idea and want to get the Astronaut.

This project consists of six 45-60 minute lessons that introduce a number of more advanced coding concepts such as conditional statements and logic operators, variables, and additional applications of event handlers (more on these below). At the same time, it reinforces skills practiced in previous projects.

Students will continue their work with student-created programs, interactive control objects (such as buttons and sliders), both collision (or “touching”) detection and colour detection event handlers, several types of variables and the importance of designing an understandable graphical user interface (GUI). Finally, students will practice iterative incremental development, which may sound intimidating, but basically means ongoing program review and revision as students add new features and get new ideas about what they want to include in their games. It means having regular rounds of review, debugging, and revision.

Grades 4 - 10

Curriculum Connections

Math C3. solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations using coding concepts and skills

Grade 5

C3.1 solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations by writing and executing code, including code that involves conditional statements and other control structures

C3.2 read and alter existing code, including code that involves conditional statements and other control structures, and describe how changes to the code affect the outcomes

Grade 6

C3.1 solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations by writing and executing efficient code, including code that involves conditional statements and other control structures

C3.2 read and alter existing code, including code that involves conditional statements and other control structures, and describe how changes to the code affect the outcomes and the efficiency of the code

Grade 7

C3.1 solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations by writing and executing efficient code, including code that involves events influenced by a defined count and/or sub-program and other control structures

C3.2 read and alter existing code, including code that involves events influenced by a defined count and/or sub-program and other control structures, and describe how changes to the code affect the outcomes and the efficiency of the code

Grade 8

C3.1 solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations by writing and executing code, including code that involves the analysis of data in order to inform and communicate decisions

C3.2 read and alter existing code involving the analysis of data in order to inform and communicate decisions, and describe how changes to the code affect the outcomes and the efficiency of the code