Learn LYNX!

People are different. So there are different ways you can learn LYNX.

Lynx is a text-based, cloud-based coding environment that is the natural next step for kids that are ready to move on from using blocks to code but might not be quite ready to use more complex programming languages like Python or JavaScript.

Think of it as a stepping stone! Projects made with Lynx are easily shareable.

Canadian-made by the company founded by Seymour Papert. It is available in Canadian English, French, Ojibwe, Mi'kmaw, Mohawk, and others to come.

First of all: Get a LYNX account at lynxcoding.club For assistance, see: Getting an Account for LYNX

Getting Started Guide — "Just give me the coding language! A GREAT place for teachers to start!

AND, a good reference guide!

HOW TO Videos — Short clips on common features!

Share these with your students!

Topic Activity Cards"I'd like to learn Lynx with mini-projects!"

GREAT place for kids (or teachers) to start!

Set of Project Guides (Booklet Style') "I'd like to learn Lynx while I do a project!"

'Beauty of Mathematics' — Curriculum organized Activity Cards — "How does coding fit into my classroom?"

Learn Lynx through the lens of 'The Importance and Beauty of Mathematics'